

BNB to shift Beacon Chain tokens into a single blockchain

时间:2024-06-26 15:16:15 阅读(143)

BNB to shift Beacon Chain tokens into a single blockchain

Developers of Binance’s BNB Smart Chain want to merge the dual BNB Beacon Chain (BEP-2) and BNB Smart Chain (BEP-20) chain structures into a single blockchain, stated Cointelegraph.

With insights from an announcement made on January 8, 2024, users are “strongly recommended” to transfer their BEP-2 and BEP-8 (mini BEP-2 tokens) to the BEP-20 chain, which will preserve assets on a 1:1 ratio. The transfer is expected to be done through centralised and decentralised exchanges, or through the BNB Chain Wallet and other self-custody wallets. The expected deadline for the BNB Chain Fusion has been set for April 2024, added Cointelegraph.

BNB to shift Beacon Chain tokens into a single blockchain

Binance is expected to have issued its native token, BNB (BNB $304), in July 2017. It is belived that BNB BEP-2 is currently used as gas fees to power ecosystem transactions, while BEP-20 tokens possess smart contract functionality, Cointelegraph concluded.

(With insights from Cointelegraph)

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