

72% of parents assert that brands have a moral obligation to advertise responsibly, reveals IAS report 

时间:2024-09-29 04:19:35 阅读(143)

72% of parents assert that brands have a moral obligation to advertise responsibly, reveals IAS report 

The evolving landscape of the internet, marked by political uncertainty, regional conflicts, and technological innovations, has prompted a crucial discussion on online safety, particularly concerning children. Advertisers, publishers, and consumers find themselves grappling with the challenges of navigating the unpredictable nature of digital spaces. In this context, the responsibility of safeguarding children from harmful or inappropriate content emerges as a shared concern for both parents and the advertising industry.

Integral Ad Science (IAS) recently conducted studies and surveys, shedding light on the perspectives of parents, advertisers, and publishers in the effort to promote a safe and ethical internet. Key findings reveal that 98% of parents consider it important to engage in conversations with their children about the safety of online content. Furthermore, 77% of parents believe that publishers should prioritise the well-being of their audience, emphasising the responsibility of platforms to ensure a safe online environment.

72% of parents assert that brands have a moral obligation to advertise responsibly, reveals IAS report 

Notably, the study indicates that parents perceive a need for more comprehensive efforts to protect children online. While 83% of parents express concerns about the potential harm caused by social media platforms without proper controls, only 27% are aware of proposed changes to online privacy acts, such as the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) 2.0 and the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). The perceived inadequacy of government assistance in protecting children online raises questions about the effectiveness of existing regulations.

In terms of the advertising industry’s role, 77% of parents believe that publishers should actively contribute to the well-being of their audience, underscoring the need for responsible content distribution. Additionally, 72% of parents assert that brands have a moral obligation to advertise responsibly, reflecting a growing expectation for ethical marketing practices.

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