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BSF thwarts foreign currency smuggling attempt, seizes US dollars worth Rs 1

BSF thwarts foreign currency smuggling attempt, seizes US dollars worth Rs 1.39 crore

The vigilant security forces seized US Dollars equivalent to Rs 1.39 crore during an operation at the Border Outpost Betai. Part of the South Bengal Frontier’s 84 Battalion, witnessed a successful operation by BSF personnel who foiled an attempt to smuggle foreign currency at the International Border of Nadia District in West Bengal.

The incident unfolded around 10 pm on January 3, 2024, at the BSF border outpost Betai. The BSF’s intelligence branch promptly alerted the on-duty jawans about potential foreign currency smuggling in their designated area. Responding swiftly, the jawans, relying on the provided intelligence, strategically positioned themselves for the operation. Observing suspicious activities, the jawans encircled the smugglers, who, taking advantage of darkness and dense fog, attempted to retreat back into India. Despite the challenging conditions, the jawans persevered and, after a thorough search, discovered four bundles containing US$ 1,66,900. The troops promptly seized the foreign currency for subsequent legal action.

BSF thwarts foreign currency smuggling attempt, seizes US dollars worth Rs 1

Image: BSF

Commending the dedication of his jawans AK Arya, Public Relations Officer of BSF South Bengal Frontier, highlighted that this achievement underscores the vigilance displayed by the personnel on duty. Arya strongly discouraged smuggling, emphasizing that the border security forces would not tolerate any criminal activities and are committed to preventing smuggling or any unlawful actions along the border.
