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Budding scope of Physiotherapy in India- educational and job opportunities

Budding scope of Physiotherapy in India: educational and job opportunities

By Nidheesh Saxena

Changes in lifestyle and demanding work schedules have resulted in incorrect postures among many adults and youngsters, often leading to discomfort in the back, neck, knees, and shoulders. As a result, a significant number of individuals seek assistance from physiotherapists.

Budding scope of Physiotherapy in India- educational and job opportunities

The aging population and rising chronic health conditions are the reasons for the increase in demand for physiotherapy services in India. Additionally, the growing interest in sports across the country has emphasized injury prevention and performance enhancement, increasing the role of physiotherapists in optimizing the well-being of athletes.

Government initiatives focus on increasing healthcare access, reducing the urban-rural health gap, and ensuring equitable access to physiotherapy services across the country, especially in rural areas.

What to Study

To start a career in physiotherapy, it is necessary to complete the 12th class in the science stream and successfully qualify for the physiotherapy entrance exam to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy. Presently, options include acquiring a diploma in physiotherapy, pursuing postgraduate studies, or even advancing to a PhD in the field.

A strong foundation in anatomical and musculoskeletal knowledge, body posture, balance, and movement is vital, making a graduation or post-graduation degree ideal. Engaging in an internship as a physiotherapist proves invaluable for entering the professional field, providing practical, hands-on experience that enhances skills and expertise in the assessment and treatment of diverse patients.

Job Scope

India’s population is around 1.40 billion, but we don’t have enough physiotherapists. According to WHO, there should be at least 1 physiotherapist for every 10,000, but in India, there are only 0.59 physiotherapists for every 10,000 in the population. There is a significant shortage of physiotherapists, especially in rural areas. Most services are available in urban cities, yet they are still to reach the vast expanse of India.

For students interested in pursuing a career in physiotherapy, it offers excellent prospects. Graduates find employment opportunities in both educational institutions and specialized hospital sectors.


A physiotherapist can explore various professional avenues such as hospitals, nursing homes, healthcare centers, specialized schools, sports facilities (working with national and international teams across cricket, football, boxing, etc.), senior citizens’ homes, and also opt to establish an independent practice.

Physiotherapy involves hands-on work and demands a comprehensive grasp of diverse aspects of human anatomy. In addition to possessing theoretical expertise, physiotherapists must also cultivate essential soft skills such as empathy and responsibility, given their regular interactions with patients.


Salaries in the physiotherapy field in India vary depending on factors such as experience, location, specialization, and employment setting. Entry-level positions generally offer salaries ranging from ₹2.5 to 5 lakhs per annum, while senior professionals with expertise and experience can command salaries surpassing ₹10 lakhs annually. Private practice or consultancy often leads to higher earning potential.


In short, the expanding horizons of physiotherapy in India indicate an impressive path of growth and potential. This is a testament to the combined dedication of healthcare experts, policymakers, & and educators, and the increasing recognition among the public about the significant impact of physiotherapy on improving the quality of life. Embracing thisdevelopment and directing resources toward advancing this field will undoubtedly create a healthier, more vibrant India.

The author is the senior director of admissions at Gitam Deemed to be University.
