

Major setback for NASA! Peregrine lunar mission briefly halted due to this reason

时间:2024-06-26 15:44:06 阅读(143)

Major setback for NASA! Peregrine lunar mission briefly halted due to this reason

The recent U.S. moon landing attempt, the first in over 50 years, faced a critical setback as a private company’s spacecraft developed a serious fuel leak shortly after Monday’s launch. Pittsburgh-based Astrobotic Technology strived to salvage the situation by adjusting its lander to capture sunlight for battery charging while a specialized team investigated a propulsion system failure.

However, the discovery of a significant fuel loss dashed hopes for the scheduled February 23 moon landing. Astrobotic acknowledged the situation and indicated that they were evaluating alternative mission options.

Major setback for NASA! Peregrine lunar mission briefly halted due to this reason

Astrobotic released an image displaying a disturbance in the thermal insulation, aligning with the reported problem. The company aimed to accomplish what only four countries had done before—execute a successful private business moon landing. Another lander from a Houston company was scheduled for launch the following month, facilitated by funding from NASA for lunar exploration missions.

The Artemis program by NASA, intending to return astronauts to the moon, remains a prominent focus. Despite setbacks, the agency remains committed to learning from both successes and failures in space exploration.

The recent setback follows decades after the last U.S. moon-landing mission in 1972. The Artemis program aims to surpass this milestone and endeavor towards lunar fly-arounds and eventual astronaut landings.

Monday’s mission, highlighting the Vulcan rocket’s debut test flight, encountered issues with the spacecraft’s propulsion system after separating from the rocket’s upper stage. Despite such setbacks, the pursuit of lunar landings continues as various entities plan their missions to explore Earth’s natural satellite.

The efforts, although facing challenges, signify a renewed interest and commitment to space exploration, seeking not just scientific advancement but also to fulfill the dreams and aspirations of many involved in these ventures.


