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The role of analytics in revolutionising ayurvedic general trade in India

The role of analytics in revolutionising ayurvedic general trade in India

– By Shreedha Singh

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of natural healing, has witnessed a remarkable resurgence in recent years. As consumer preference shifts towards natural, plant-based solutions for health and personal care, Ayurvedic products have flooded Indian store shelves and captured the imagination of the growing customer demand. Behind the scenes, the Ayurvedic general trade landscape is being revolutionised by the integration of advanced analytics and data-driven technologies. This confluence of ancient wisdom and modern innovation has fueled the rapid growth of the Ayurvedic consumer goods industry while enabling companies to enhance quality, optimise operations, and deliver superior customer experiences.

The role of analytics in revolutionising ayurvedic general trade in India

In 2022, the market size of Indian Ayurvedic products amounted to INR 626 Billion. Moving ahead, IMARC Group anticipates that the market will achieve a value of INR 1,824 Billion by 2028, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.3% from 2023 to 2028. This growth trajectory has been enabled by rising consumer incomes, increased health consciousness, greater product variety, expanded distribution networks, and more sophisticated branding and promotions by Ayurvedic companies. While over-the-counter medicines and digestive solutions have historically dominated the consumer segment, recent trends reflect demand for a wider range of Ayurvedic offerings across categories like food and beverages, personal care, skincare, and home care products.

Challenges Faced by Ayurvedic Brands and Retailers

While the Ayurveda market has gained popularity, several issues continue to impede the growth of Ayurvedic brands and retailers in India’s highly fragmented general trade landscape. Scaling distribution is an uphill challenge, particularly in reaching India’s widespread rural areas. Inventory management is another pain point due to the specific storage requirements of Ayurvedic products and rising costs in the supply chain. The effectiveness of promotional spending is hard to determine due to a limited understanding of changing consumer behaviour and preferences. Lastly, product innovation cycles need to accelerate to keep up with consumers’ evolving expectations for quality, safety, packaging, and convenience in Ayurvedic offerings.

The Advent of Analytics in the Ayurvedic General Trade

To counter the challenges, leading Ayurvedic brands have embraced next-generation technologies, especially advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). By revealing hidden insights within colossal data sets, descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics enable organisations to unlock game-changing opportunities to optimise decision-making across the business.

Let’s delve deeper into key analytical applications powering the growth of Ayurvedic consumer goods in India:

A: Hyper-Personalisation of Products & Offerings

Analytics provides rich psychographic and demographic data to create hyper-personalised Ayurvedic solutions aligned to diverse consumer needs. Advanced analytics techniques like market structure analysis, perception mapping and discrete choice modelling inform product developers about the features and attributes sought in Ayurvedic solutions. According to recent Deloitte research, 71% of business-to-consumer leaders believe that personalisation significantly influences their brands’ customer strategies.

B: Optimising Marketing Campaigns & Communication

Analytics helps Ayurvedic brands run smarter digital campaigns and sharpen their communication strategies. Techniques like web analytics provide real-time campaign performance data to refine messaging and media planning. Social media listening offers instant feedback on communication resonance to devise impactful campaigns. Campaign lift analysis quantifies the actual sales impact of specific marketing initiatives.

C: Enhancing the Omni-Channel Customer Experience

Today’s consumers demand seamless omni-channel experiences. Analytics plays a vital role in mapping the user journey across channels and touchpoints. Touchpoint analysis, for instance, provides insights to refine channel experience – be it improving navigation on the website or app to enable quicker purchases or resolving issues around order fulfilment and last-mile delivery management flagged through feedback. It has been seen that omnichannel customers have a 30% higher lifetime value than single-channel customers.

D: Sales Intelligence for Informed Go-to-Market Strategies

Analytics provides sales intelligence to devise data-backed go-to-market and distribution strategies attuned to specific geographies, channels and networks. Trade area analysis assists in targeting the right markets while performance dashboards into sales funnel metrics, retailer feedback and margins facilitate course corrections.

E: Optimised Supply Chains and Inventory Management

Leveraging real-time data analytics, Ayurvedic brands are overhauling their supply chains to minimise wastage and product deterioration while improving service levels. Analytics provides visibility into demand patterns, production planning, inventory management and logistics – crucial for natural products with short shelf lives.

F: Clinical Validation to Drive Credibility

Analytics helps collate real-world evidence and clinical data to validate the efficacy of Ayurvedic formulations and remedy perceptions around slower relief and convenience. Robust analytics frameworks assess therapeutic performance, drug interactions, mode of action assessments and pharmacovigilance data to showcase Ayurveda’s evidence-backed benefits. Such clinical evidence has emerged as the bedrock for Ayurvedic brands to articulate their credibility.

Technology Adoption in Ayurveda

Embracing technology, including online platforms and data-driven marketing, enhances the capabilities of Ayurvedic general trade businesses. Data analytics provides granular visibility into customer behaviour, preferences, and feedback. These insights inform targeted product development, pricing strategies, promotions, and marketing campaigns for outflanking rivals. Leading brands employ e-commerce and digital strategies for broader consumer reach. Mobile apps, online stores, and social media diversify sales channels, enabling targeted promotion. Automation in warehousing, supply chain, and manufacturing improves productivity. Consumer-facing technologies, like self-checkout kiosks, provide convenience and customer insights. This tech integration allows Ayurvedic companies to concentrate on innovation and core competencies.

The Way Forward

As analytics and automation scale across all areas of the business from retail to manufacturing, experts predict major efficiency gains that will significantly boost profitability for Ayurvedic companies in the coming years. Leading brands will also have increased leverage with vendors and retailers by optimising their distribution networks. Despite lingering data privacy issues, the ongoing improvements in computer processing ability and data storage costs will enable even small Ayurvedic businesses to leverage analytics. Most crucially, analytics gives companies essential insights into evolving consumer preferences to guide the development of new efficacious Ayurvedic formulations. This refined understanding and focus on delighting customers bodes well for the global resurgence of Ayurveda’s image as an ancient, holistic wellness system.

(Shreedha Singh is the CEO & Co-founder of The Ayurveda Company.)

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